The seeds of Her’s have well and truly rooted themselves in Liverpool. Originally a meeting of minds between Norway’s Audun Laading and Barrow-born Stephen Fitzpatrick, Her’s forged a strong chemical bond through a mutual love of off-kilter humour and outsider art.
Having clocked over a million streams between the two tracks on their debut single Dorothy and What Once Was, and after following it up with the lackadaisical thrift-store humour of their sun-bleached single Marcel, Her’s have compiled a rollicking record of their infant career so far. Songs of Her’s is out now, and it includes all their recorded output to date plus six new songs to make for the most complete introduction to their slacker world yet.
Her’s will be teasing this gnarly collectors-item-to-be with the release of Speed Racer. With its manic beats and fresh surf vibes, it’s an exhilarating romp about one-night stands and the heady abandon of youth. With its sultry vocals and signature descending guitar and bass lick, it plays like the soundtrack to some oddball American stoner comedy involving a beach, a girl, a conspiracy, and a musical group from Liverpool.
As well as recently being announced as support for Wild Nothing and Dutch Uncles UK tours, Her’s also look forward to a string of European dates and a place in that famous industry podium SXSW to air their oddball wares on the world stage.